
Supporting and empowering the autonomy of people with disability

Multicap, in collaboration with the Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) and the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG), is implementing a Supported Decision-Making (SDM) demonstration project to promote autonomy and empowering people to take control of their lives. 

Multicap Clinical Lead in Practice Excellence, Jessica Crossan said the SDM project promotes autonomy by engaging nominated guardianship clients with a disability in evidence-based decision-making support modules to demonstrate a viable and repeatable model of supported decision-making.  

“The project leveraged natural support networks to support clients to make their own choices with day-to-day decisions rather than having decisions made for them,” Jessica said. 

“This approach fosters self-determination and gives people the tools they need to make informed decisions on matters that affect their lives,” she said. 

The SDM approach focuses on ensuring that people with disability are involved in decisions affecting their lives with support networks offering guidance without taking over. 

Multicap Practice Specialist in Rights and Advocacy, Vicky Huiji Chen said it’s about empowering people, not making choices on their behalf. 

“The support network consists of trusted people who provide advice, but the final decision always rests with the individual,” Vicky said. 

Unlike traditional guardianship, where decisions are often made by others, SDM ensures that the individual is equipped with the toolkits to support their active involvement in decision-making alongside their Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) appointed decision-maker. 

Jessica said in traditional guardianship models for matters to which guardians are appointed by QCAT, decisions are made on behalf of the individual, often without the persons involvement. This reduces opportunities for teaching skills and increasing the persons independence.

“Through active participation in the SDM modules and toolkits, a portfolio can be compiled to evidence the informed decisions made by an individual throughout day-to-day life in a practiced and repeatable format.  

“This portfolio of evidence can be presented to QCAT to demonstrate progress in decision-making and to seek potential revocation of guardianship orders.  

“With SDM, we are advocating for the individual’s right to choose, while also providing the necessary support to help them make informed decisions,” Jessica said. 

Several participants have benefited from the SDM project and taken control of important life decisions through this demonstration project. 

“One person wanted to explore different Supported Independent Living (SIL) options,” said Jessica.

“With support from the SDM process, he carefully evaluated his choices and made the decision to transition to a new living arrangement. He took the lead in organising a meeting with his family, support team, and stakeholders to move forward with his choice.

“The process allows participants to take ownership of their decisions, which has a profound impact on their confidence and independence.” 

Vicky said the response from families and carers has been overwhelmingly positive. 

“Families appreciate being able to offer support while still respecting their loved ones’ autonomy.  

“It’s a balancing act, but the participants are the ones driving the process, which makes it truly empowering.” 

This project has demonstrated an opportunity for guardians and service providers, particularly those operating under the NDIS, to adopt and scale SDM practices to truly uphold the rights of people with disabilities, involving them in decisions about their lives.   

Jessica said Multicap is committed to expanding the SDM model to more of the people we support across our services.  

“We’re in works of developing a Supported Decision-Making Procedure to scale SDM practices across Multicap services in alignment with legislative reform and the findings from the Disability Royal Commission,” said Jessica. 

“This is an exciting step forward as we continue to focus on disseminating evidence-based practices across our services promoting supported decision making and autonomy for all of the people we support.” 

To learn more about how Multicap can empower people with disability to take control of their choices and lead more independent lives, phone 1300 135 886. 


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