Critical Support Services
As a leading provider of a diverse range of high-quality disability services, Multicap is committed to enhancing the lives of people with disability, including those who have high and complex support needs.
What is Multicap's Critical Support Services?
Multicap’s Critical Support Services provide specialised wrap-around service solutions designed to provide high intensity crisis intervention, discharge, transition, and stabilisation supports to individuals with complex support needs in the aim of developing evidence based service responses that can be replicated and delivered safely and sustainably. Multicap recognises that transition supports may be required for people in situations such as the following:
- a breakdown in family or existing supports
- discharge from hospital with no suitable accommodation available
- in forensic settings and requiring a staged re-entry to community
- residing in a mental health facility without a clinical need
- where there is a breakdown of service provision and subsequent relinquishment or risk of homelessness for a person

What types of services are offered?
Complex Integrated Transition
This service provides temporary accommodation and a supports solution for people who require an intensive and highly tailored service response. The accommodation features purpose-built step-up/step-down designs that allow supports to be delivered with safety and wellbeing in mind.
Timeframe: Our team aims to complete stabilisation within three months, then move to transition readiness within six-months.
Higher intensity staff ratios are available and qualified, agile supports are available on a 24/7 basis.
Ford House
Ford House, at Eight Mile Plains provides a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable living environment for people requiring temporary accommodation. The house includes Robust design features to support high and complex needs, including behaviours of concern.
Watch the video to take a tour of Ford House.

Donegal House
Donegal House, at Kuraby, provides a step-down community option for people that can live in an accessible environment close to local shops, services and transport. Donegal features open living areas, a large garden, private bedrooms, and entertainment options including TV and sensory activities.
Complex In-Home Transition
This support service is delivered in your own home to stabilise or establish a model of supports that can be replicated sustainably by a long-term provider.
Timeframe: Our team will work with you to create a support model within six months.
Complex Community Transition
This support service is typically delivered in a staged approach within the community or a community-like setting to address complex needs. Our team can deliver this service within clinical environments with a view to successfully re-integrate a person back into their local community.
Timeframe: Our team will work with you to create a successful community support model for replication by a long-term provider within three months. More complex staged re-integration activities may require a longer timeframe.
Complex Service Consulting
This service delivers collaborative consulting services for providers to:
- mitigate complete support breakdowns for people, and/or
- support the development of a contemporary evidence-based support model for an existing provider to replicate
There is a fee for this service.