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Corporate Governance

Whistleblower Protection Procedure

At Multicap, our first priority is the safety of our customers and team members. We value high ethical standards of behaviour and expect honesty, openness and integrity in everything we do. Unacceptable, unethical and illegal behaviour impacts not only on our organisation, but on our individual team members, contractors and customers.

In addition to our policies, procedures and Code of Conduct, we have put in place a Whistleblower procedure and disputes resolution framework to further ensure the safety and wellbeing of our customers and team members by protecting people who bring any incidents of harm and misconduct to light. 

Our disputes resolution framework provides an easy-to-use approach to resolution of workplace issues. If you suspect, or know of, activities that are not in the best interests of you as a Multicap staff member, other Multicap staff or Multicap in general, please always reach out to your line manager first - if you are a current Multicap staff member. If you are unable to do so, you may speak to our People and Culture team. 

In conjunction with KPMG and their FairCall service, Multicap has established a toll-free telephone hotline for people connected with Multicap who are concerned about unacceptable, unethical or illegal activities that affect our workplace. If you find it uncomfortable to raise issues within Multicap, you can contact FairCall via the hotline phone number or other channels of communication including FairCallwebsite, email, post or fax. The FairCall service is operated by KPMG, as an independent third party. 

At all times, your information will be taken in total confidence. When you call or make contact, you may wish to remain anonymous. If so, you will not be asked for personal details. Unless you choose to provide FairCall with your personal details, Multicap will not attempt to obtain your identity. 


Click here to download the Multicap Whistleblower Protection information booklet
Click here to download the Multicap Whistleblower Protection procedure
Click here to visit the KPMG FairCall portal

Who are whistleblowers?

Whistleblowers are people with a connection to a company or organisation who may be in a position to observe or be affected by misconduct and may face reprisals for reporting it. These people can access the rights and protections in the law from when they report misconduct. The protections also extend to the spouses and relatives of these people.

Whistleblowers can provide their name and contact details when they report, or they can report anonymously.

What conduct is reportable?

Any suspected incidences of misconduct or dishonest or illegal activity, including violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation.
A whistleblower must have reasonable grounds to suspect that the information you are disclosing about the company or organisation concerns:

  • misconduct, or
  • an improper state of affairs or circumstances.

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