


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Official NDIS website

The National Disability Insurance Scheme website www.ndis.gov.au is the primary source of information about the scheme.

Language Support

You can also learn about the NDIS in your language. Click here or contact the Multilingual Disability Hub's national multilingual hotline and website that provides information in-language on disability and the NDIS.

NDIS word list and glossary

There are a range new terms and phrases that will be important for you to know as you work with the NDIS.

Read the NDIS Glossary which is now available in Easy English to learn about important terms and key phases:

The Disability Reform Council

The Disability Reform Council (DRC) has released the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework, a nationally-consistent approach to quality and safeguarding for NDIS participants.

The following principles underpin the framework:

  • Human rights – The Framework is intended to uphold and respect the rights of people with disability
  • The presumption of capacity to exercise choice and control – That all people with disability have the capacity to make decisions and exercise choice and control
  • National consistency – Regardless of postcode, participants can expect the same level of protection
  • Proportionality and risk responsiveness – The level of regulation will reflect the risk of harm
  • Efficiency and effectiveness – The framework will assist the development of an efficient and effective NDIS market”

Other Resources

Multicap Code of Conduct Booklet – Multicap's Code of Conduct provides guidance about what is expected of staff in dealing with customers, the public and in the workplace.

State Disability Plan 2017-2020 - Queensland Government All Abilities Queensland, Opportunities for all. The State Disability Plan explains how the Queensland Government plans to ensure Queensland is an inclusive state.

A way with words – guidelines for the portrayal of and communicating with people with a disability.

Human Rights Legal Service – an information sheet about this Queensland-wide service providing specialist legal advice, referral and representation to vulnerable persons with disability in Queensland.

Mental Health Legal Service – an information sheet about this Queensland-wide service providing free legal assistance in relation to Queensland mental health law.

Justice Support Program – an information sheet about this initiative responding to the needs of people with disability in the criminal justice and related systems.

UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Easy Read guide.

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