To honour Multicap’s 60th birthday, a group of talented COCA Artists produced remarkable stop motion videos.
Multicap’s Centre of Creative Arts Program participants were offered the opportunity to embrace their creativity by producing a stop motion video on a topic that interests them to celebrate Multicap’s 60th birthday.
A number of customers expressed an interest in producing a video and three were premiered at Multicap’s 60th Celebration morning tea held at Nudgee.
Jodie loves flowers and wanted to give Multicap some for the 60th birthday. In the video she uses her magical fairy powers to create bunches of flowers and present them in the shape of ‘60’.
Cameron created a spectacular mini-set for his fantasy home which included all the things he loves – cars, music room and a table set up to celebrate Multicap’s 60th birthday. He even has a visit and a ‘jam’ with his guitar hero, Angus Young from AC/DC in his video.
Bradley is very passionate about going to his gym and meeting new people there. Using recycled products and his sculptural skills, Bradley designed and created a mini-set for his stop motion video about his gym.
Bradley has been a Multicap customer for as long as he can remember, but only began actively participating in the Aspley Hub COCA program for the past 12 months.
“I loved making this video,” Bradley said. “My favourite part of creating the video was making the little dumbbells.”
Multicap’s Arts Facilitator, Travis, is the video editor behind the fabulous video series and mentors and inspires customers through his creativity.
Travis showcased the video series to over 50 guests at Multicap’s 60th Celebration morning tea at Nudgee Hub.
“Bradley was over the moon with excitement following the premier of his stop motion video,” Travis said.
“Being able to inspire people to do things that they didn’t think they could do is one of the best parts of working at Multicap.”
The videos are available for viewing on our YouTube channel.