
Leadership workshops with a splash of creativity

Multicap’s creative arts business, Monte Lupo Arts, has delivered a series of leadership themed ceramic workshops for more than 40 emerging leaders from the Queensland Government’s Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships.

Emerging leaders from throughout Queensland visited the Monte Lupo Arts Studio at Eight Mile Plains to participate in the workshop centred around the Department’s SOLID values of Strengths based, Open, Loyal, Innovative, Dedicated.

The course was opened by Multicap’s leaders who shared their insight and experience, followed by a brainstorming session to help determine individual leadership values before each participant created their own leadership tree using ceramic and paint.

Multicap CEO, Joanne Jessop is extremely proud of Monte Lupo Arts for hosting these valuable workshops for the Department’s emerging leaders and encouraged each participant to learn their individual leadership style in her opening remarks.

“There are many attributes which contribute to making great leaders, but we don’t necessarily need to be a master of them all as different situations require input from various leaderships styles,” Joanne said. “It’s beneficial to learn what kind of leader you are.”

Multicap Chief Operating Officer, Scott Denner, also attended the workshop to share his insights into various styles of management and explains there is a good reason why Amazon lists books on leadership by more than 60,000 different authors.

“Leadership is a human endeavour, and we all approach it in different ways,” Scott said. “One aspect all leaders can do is create an environment where people don’t need to act courageously to do the right thing, and to have honest conversations.”

Multicap General Manager Creative Arts and course facilitator, Fiona Haynes, has witnessed significant growth at Multicap during her 23 years’ service, going from 400 staff when she first commenced to more than 2000 staff today.

Fiona shared a customer story as an example of how all Multicap staff have been led to deliver on the organisation’s sole purpose of enhancing the lives of customers.

“A gentleman with a disability was causing a lot of disruption in his community which finally resulted in the NDIS assisting him to relocate to a new community. With the help of various teams at Multicap, he now displays almost no behaviours and is enjoying life. It takes a tribe with the same purpose to get that sort of outcome,” Fiona said.

Each participant created and painted their tree components which were left on site for the Monte Lupo Arts Studio team to dry in kilns and varnish before gluing to frames.

The framed artworks are now displayed throughout the Department’s offices as visual recognition of how each leader is contributing to the SOLID values.

Monte Lupo’s talented team of artists are always looking for new challenges, whether it’s creating a custom art piece or running a dedicated workshop for individuals or groups. For more information about tailored and scheduled workshops or to purchase your very own piece of Monte Lupo art, visit the online store today or get in touch by calling 1300 135 886.


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